The Akwa Ibom #UkapisuaStreetGroove was a success. Launched by Governor, Emmanuel Udom, the Ukapisua Street Groove is a Carnival with a difference.
Far from other Carnivals with Caribbean and foreign costumes, the Carnival derives its theme from Akwaibom arts, history and culture.
The various bands represent specific tourist hotspots in the state. The Trans Atlantic Slave trade was thematised by the bands as part of the dark history that the Akwaibom people suffered.
Costumed in slave clothing and whip wounds, the experience before the famous Bridge of No Return at Ikot Abasi, Akwaibom State.
The famous room tradition of the Akwa -Cross region especially among the Anaangs, was also depicted through the use of female cultural dress.
The early Akwa Akpa and Qua Iboe missionaries were also represented, other indigenous forms were visible in the costumes of the dancers.
Shades of Akwa-Cross history were also presented in the representation of Efik-Ibibio Kings, Queens, Princesses and Princes, among other royalties.
It was a total theatre!. The need for the event was justified in its Uniqueness. Though at its infancy, #UkapisuaStreetGroove has all the potentials to match the best of street parties in Africa. #Ukapisua Mega Beach.

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