INSPIRED : Lilian Esoro Gave Old Lady Money To Start A Business The Old Lady Was Very Happy

It was a thing of Joy, the old lady couldn't contain her Joy after she was given money to start her business again in order to cater for her children,she nearly prostrated on the floor with tears to show her gratitude,Other Mother's poured showers of Blessings on Lilian Esoro as they were given Clothes ( Expensive Wrappers),Jewelries,Bags of Rice and other Food stuffs to start a new year. Lilian Esoro is currently setting an example for other celebrities to follow as it is not all about showing off expensive cars, luxurious homes and all, it should be given back to the Society. Lilian Esoro went as Far as given a young girl,Sharon a long term scholarship that will cover her schooling from Primary and Secondary Education till her University Level.


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