MOTIONVIUSTYLE : Three Fashion Designers Set To Dominate 2018
By Motionviu
The GTBank Fashion Weekend (GT Fshn Wknd) reminded us that Nigerians will support brands if they are given a platform and an avenue to interact with the brains behind them. 2017 was also a year that a number of younger designers stepped up to the plate and took up the mantle of advancing African fashion.
With 2018 on the horizon, these are the designers whose work we are dying to see.
After a year-long hiatus and an absence from the 2017 HLFDW, Frank Aghuno has been quietly consolidating his fashion label Fruché through a series of retail partnerships with premium Nigerian retail stores. However, it is high time he got back into the ring and reminded us why the brand has captured our imaginations so thoroughly since its debut in 2014. Perhaps we might see more straight to retail pieces in the coming year or the avant-garde costumes that helped it win the second edition of the Fayrouz L’Original competition.
Fruche, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie :
Henry Uduku
Henry Uduku’s eponymous brand was created to provide ‘uniform’ for our daily lives that build personalities. Understanding the everyday needs of stylish people is how Uduku has built his brand and grown his followership, creating staples that are durable, excellently tailored and stylish without being obtrusive. To achieve this, Uduku ditched the conventional calendar and collection format, favouring capsule collections and peer to peer marketing to get his brand into the closets of prospective customers. In 2018, he is expanding his label to cater for women and experimenting with accessories.
Henri Uduku :
Demure by Denike
Denike has built her followership as a fashion blogger, modelling her own creations and presenting herself as an alternative to the conventional beauty standards our industry favours. Her label Demure by ‘Denike riffs off this unconventionality and otherness and offers women a different idea of what stylish can mean with traditional dyeing and printing techniques. She was shortlisted for the 2018 LFDW Fashion Focus and is building a viable label under her brand dedicated to creating bespoke bridal experiences for young millennial women looking for a designer who understands their point of view and knows what she is doing.
Demure by Denike :

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