FEATURES : FULL% Happiness Is Reduced. Emotional Diversity

Full% Happiness is reduced. Emotional diversity is the new kid on the block. We have become so lost trying to decipher what makes us Full% happy that we have lost track of everything including things that matter to us. Good thing is, emotional diversity is more realistic. Experiencing different emotions is not a bad thing after all. A research study in the JournalofExperimental Psychology which involved 37,000 people has revealed that emotional diversity is actually healthy because it reduces your chances of depression and high blood pressure One of the inflammation researchers, explained that “there are many kinds of happiness”. Some of these kinds are calm, awe and amazement. However, to enjoy the health benefits of emotional diversity, you need to have more positive emotions than the negative. While the study is aware of the various complexities of the human emotions, it recognises that people can feel very sad, very happy or so-so. Becoming self-conscious of what you feel at a particular time is a good way of managing your emotions.


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