FEATURES : Practitioners Demand More Theatre For Children, Young People

By Motionviu Some of thespians and stakeholders in theatre practise across Europe and the Americas on Tuesday, March 20, pulled out the drums, organised seminars and put up different performances to mark The World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People. While countries in these continents held this event so dearly, encouraging children and young people to put up theatrical productions to express themselves. While the argument continues, the Director of Dance, the Dr, however, noted that children theatre in Nigeria has improved tremendously from what it used to be when he was a child doing dance and other theatrical production for the fun of it. With this year’s theme as, ‘Take A Child To The Theatre Today! Or Take Theatre To The Child, He noted that while he was growing up anyone doing theatre was never taken serious, but all that has changed as theatre in the country has improved in form, scope, structure and depth, aside the entertainment aspect that comes with its pecuniary rewards. He urged parents/guardians to allow their children to participate in theatre, saying theatre fires children’s imagination, hone their skills and creativity, aside making them to understand the world around them. Speaking on the day, (ASSITEJ), a global theatre body for children and young people, said: “ When we consider the millions of children who do not live within the easy reach of a theatre building (especially one designed for them and their needs), we must as artists expand our notions of what theatre can be if we truly believe in the arts, as a basic human right. Of course, this idea is not new in the history of theatre, but somehow the distinction of formal as opposed to informal still seems to pervade our value systems and our notions of quality when we talk about theatre for young audiences.


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