FEATURES : Kiki Gusto : 10 - Year - Old TV Presenter

By Motionviu Kiki Gusto 10-Year-old TV Presenter : Kiki Gusto talks about herself and said My name is Kiki Gusto, I am ten years old and currently in JSS 1. Kiki Gusto talks about what she is doing and said i am media personality and I am also into art hence I paint and design clothing as well as fancy fun foot wares; but I am more into media as a TV presenter for Filmhouse Kids Zone. Kiki Gusto talks about how she come up with this and said My aunty introduced me to presentations and I used to see presenters on TV (I fell in love with being seen on screen). Also, my mum and aunty used to say I talk a lot, so I felt I could even make a career out of it. Kiki Gusto talks about the period she have been into this and said officially 2 years and some months Kiki Gusto talks about why is TV presentation so important to her and said it brings out my talent in speaking and it makes me talk for good reasons and add value to others Kiki Gusto talks about why she doesn't feel nervous when she is on set. And how she overcome the tension as a kid and said My mum trained me to be very confident, I try to imagine there is no camera in front of me. I don’t have stage fright. When I’m on set, it is always like my normal self because I am doing what I love to do and do everyday. Apart from the cameras, it is my normal life act. Kiki Gusto talks about what it takes to be a young TV Presenter and said you need to love the job, have courage, be confident and always work hard to be the best you could be. Kiki Gusto talks about the bad moment she experienced while going through this journey and said yes. When I was sick and needed to present, it was not easy memorizing my script, more so with running nose interrupting my presentation (laughs) Kiki Gusto talks about how she is able to learn public presentation etiquette at her early stage of her life and said though I am talented, my aunty and mum help direct me in diverse ways which include how to sit, talk, walk, and other gestures and I also practise a lot. I’m only gifted by God however, I hope to do some short courses in the future. Kiki Gusto talks about the Celebrity she have worked with and said yes, I have worked with Dumebi Nzeribe, a child actor. I hope to work with more celebrities soon. Kiki Gusto talks about the numbers of shows she have presented and said about five. Kiki Gusto talks about how she does not see anything stopping her from progressing on this path and said no I don’t, I have all the encouragements I need and will need Kiki Gusto talks about what she didn’t knew before choosing this career and said since choosing this career, I’ve learnt script memorizing Kiki Gusto talks about others kid presenters she have worked with and said yes, two. Kiki Gusto talks about been a young TV presenter, and also her challenges in achieving her goals and said it is mainly combining school and my business. I am more focused on school so I only have time during holidays. Kiki Gusto talks about how her parents receive this and said They’ve been super-supportive, committed and proud of me Kiki Gusto talks about how she advertise and said I currently advertise on my mum and aunty’s instagram page but I’m planning to have my own Instagram page where I will be doing short presentations on various topics. Kiki Gusto talks about the famous TV presenters she is looking up to and said Oprah Winfrey. Because I also want to do a lot of good things for people like she does and be a media proprietor (like Oprah) someday. I also like IK Osagioduwa because of how he always makes his presentations fun and interesting. Kiki Gusto talks about where she see herself in the next five years and said i see myself presenting in big shows like ‘The Voice’ and having my own educating and fun show for peers. Kiki Gusto talks about presentation affecting her confidence level and said it has greatly affected it in a positive way. Now I can work with any establishment with courage. Kiki Gusto give her advice to other kids who are entrepreneur or who want to be entrepreneurs like her and said work hard, never give up and dream big.


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